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Donor Ranks

These can be easily viewed in our donation store! To get there, click the 'Donate' tab at the top of the page.


Why donate? 

 - All donations go right back into the server! So when you donate, you are helping the server stay up and prosper!

 - Donator ranks are actually completely free. You can earn them through the /rankup system in-game. (Explained on the right >) But these ranks can take a long time to achieve and a steady grind of constant voting. But... if you have the ability to purchase the ranks, then you can skip all the grind and just get right to the rank!


We appreciate ALL donations and if you have any issues with not receiving the rank's rewards, please let us know in the discord server (link on the home page) and a staff member will get to you as soon as possible!

Free ranks


You might be thinking, "Free ranks? Pfft. Not possible!"


But it is completely possible!


The ranking system on this server is not pay-to-win, but rather pay-to-progress-faster. The donators do not get anything more than what you can achieve yourself WITHOUT spending a single dime!


We will warn you though... It wont be easy. The /rankup system is designed so that you have to vote and acquire vote points in order to get to the next rank. It will take dedication and yes, grinding, to get to the required points. 


You might be upset that it requires so many points to get to a "Donor" rank, but that's the wrong way to view it. 


So many servers offer ranks to Donors for money. But we are offering YOU, the player who doesn't want to spend money (and trust us, we get it) a ability to acquire these ranks over time FOR FREE. 


So sit back, do some voting (which by the way helps the server A LOT) and march your way to that top Donator rank!

So what do the ranks consist of?



Default class that everyone starts off with. Only allowed one job. 



  • Remote control your EpicFurnaces! 

  • Allows you to have two jobs instead of just one! 

  • Rank of "Regular



  • Allows you to have three jobs

  • Rank of "Advanced"



  • Allows you to change your /nick

  • Allows you to have four jobs!

  • Allows you to utilize /mpet and spawn in a wasp!

  • Rank of "Pro" (Finally, a colored rank!)


Then there are the Donator ranks (Yes you can earn these without paying!)

You can find these ranks and what they contain in the donation shop! Click the donate tab at the top of the website!

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